Sunday, March 28, 2010
WMC, Biz Markie, Sleeping in the Sand and DJ H2OOooooo!
DJ H2O competed in 2 distinct competitions at the 25th Annual Winter Music Conference. Though he didn't make top 3 he rocked the crowds and made plenty of connections with DJ's from all over the planet. He also got plenty of ideas and will soon be spinning even more of his usual "Fuego" for crowds all over.
While in the area we drove to & performed at RJ's in West Palm Beach. Oooeee...the love we got from the beautiful people there is unforgettable. DJ H2O's sets were CRAZY and Latin had the audience hysterical with some impromptu Stand Up comedy. We always make sure our performances have a diverse mixture ensuring that audiences are edu-tained.
A few final steps on the board walk, some final tastes of Floridian Cuban food, a couple last dance moves and we're on route home. "Here we go!"...or as Floridians would say "Here we go!"...cause they're not that different.
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Friday, March 26, 2010
View from WMC rooftop pool party!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Welcome to MIAMI!
DJ H20 competed today in his first of two very intense competitions at the 25th Annual Winter Music Conference. The art displayed today was that of blending and tomorrow it'll be all about scratching. Though he did not qualify in today's top 3 he was by far one of the most impressive competitors to leave his mark in the judges ears. We did a lot of networking and even reconnected with a few as well (including the revolutionary and talented DJ Chela).
The journey to get here (all the way from NY) was a long, fun and fruitful one. We left NY soon after a professional development workshop in Queens. There we again taught how to use Hip Hop and Poetry in after school programming and both inspired and empowered a group of young youth workers. A few days later In Frederiksburg, VA we ate at the beautiful and recently opened La Palmas Cafe. This Puerto Rican restaurant is the only one of it's kind in an area that still has a slave auction block memorialized a block down. After eating there and chatting it up with the owners we performed a night of Poetry and Salsa. Despues de our performance DJ H2O spun the Salsa party and we gave some Salsa lessons throughout the night. When the last leg was moved and body twirled we rested up and drove further South ending up in Charleston, South Carolina.
There we linked up with some people at a not-for profit artist space called "Outer Space". We didn't expect to perform that night either but ended up having a lively audience to rock for a cappella style. The crowd was hyped to hear a cappella versions of our tracks (we just clapped and beatboxed it out) and once again many uttered "We wish ya could be here more often...this town needs ya." Always good to hear that what one does is needed by the people.
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Flat Tire and Jarabe Singing to AAA Guy!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Original Poem by one of our Minnesota students
The following poem was written by a student of ours from the Minnesota workshop series we presented a few weeks ago.
... I had a really bad day, so I wrote.
Scratching these walls of sorrow
it'll never free my mind
in a hell of emotions
forever tortured
by hours of thoughts
never to let up
My hope trickling down,
down the drain
it'll be the end of me
this drain leading
to the wasteland of loss
I lost the chance
to turn things around
and I am paying for it
not a punishment
a storm of guilt
I see my actions
they impulsively destroy
with the rage
of deprivation
that always deploys
Like a man
to choose between
pain and suffering
or the easy way out
but he already knows
what choice he has to make
It is obvious that
my pain is better
than causing pain
I know i have to live
with the burden i was given
God had nothing
to do with this gift
it was pure chance
one out of six thousand
and I was the lucky winner
The oblivious thrust of rage
was put into the walls,
the walls of decision
and that decision
was built to create guilt
I can not believe
that i considered it
casting myself into death's arms
for him
to take me away
but the thought of others
saved my life
My selfish tantrum has shown
that self control
was ignored
and ruthlessly beaten
and killed
If there was a way
to rewrite yesterday
then I would take it
but what am I thinking
that could never happen
I must face
that I
had already carved the marble
I can only accept
the past as how
it was written
I have been taught
by a god in my eyes
that my only hope
to cope with this
hard time
is Poetry
by, Zach Patnoe
Posted with permission
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thank You Minnesota & Massachusetts!
We're currently back in NY after 2 weeks of facilitating workshops, enjoying the beauty of Minnesota and learning from its people. Places like Echo, Bird Island, Buffalo Lake, Eden Valley and more had members of The Day Before Sound Tour come through. Focuses included diversity training, emotional expression, history of Hip Hop, and how to use Hip Hop and Poetry in the class room. We had an amazing time and enjoyed exchanging knowledge with the people of Minnesota. Much love to the people of Minnesota (especially it's Youth), Pact 4 and 21st CCLC.
We recently facilitated a Professional Development Workshop in Worcester, MA for the wonderful people at 21st CCLC. We had a wonderfully entertaining time working with everyone there at Holy Cross College and are glad that many of you experienced new ways of working with your Youth and Staff. Thank you for your feedback, e-mails, and participation.
We make our workshops as fun as possible for both the Youth and Professionals we work with. We're all about "edu-tainment". Entertaining while we directly and indirectly educate others. All the while we learn from each group we work with ensuring that we continue the process of "Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Writing & Minneapolis!

Working with Youth...Always Fun!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
In addition to the workshops we performed at "Eclipse Records" in St. Paul. St. Paul is one of Minnesota's Twin Cities and there we rocked a crowd that was by no means prepared lol. A bunch of them approached us after our set and one of them even thanked us for "bringing life and energy to St. Paul".
Prior to that we had a photo shoot with the very talented B. Fresh at the Mall of America in Minneapolis. This woman knows what she is doing when it comes to capturing an image. We had a great time and got some great shots out of it as well. Check her out at
Ok, ok...more photos coming soon I get it sheesh.